March 28-Moral Monday March on Raleigh

Be sure to add the March 28th Moral March on Raleigh to your calendar, and register here. Volunteers for many roles are needed so email [email protected] if you want to be part of this big day!
And it's not too early to register for the Poor People's and Low-wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and To the Polls. June 18th 2022 will be historic! Buses will be going up from North Carolina--sign-up information is coming soon. Start talking to your friends and family about joining this history-making march with you.
Our Fed Up project is growing and changing, but we have a food distribution on Friday morning March 4th. Our food boxes are about 25 lbs this time and we could use volunteers with some muscles--sign up HERE. And thanks!
Our website has a new look--check it out!
Forward Together!
Triangle Circle, NC Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival