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New Officers Installed-June 1, 2023

The following officers were installed at the meeting on June 1, 2023.

President: Charles Malone

1st Vice President: David Lovere

2nd Vice President: Ken Romley

3rd Vice President: Clarence Green

Treasurer: Bill Toole

Secretary: Steven Hill

BOARD MEMBERS                                             TERM EXPIRES

Brendan Fetters                                                 June 2026

James Mettrey                                                   June 2026

John W. Shaw                                                     June 2026                                  

Perry Woods                                                       June 2026                                             

Paul Anderson replaces David Lovere            June 2025  

They will join in with the following board members who are presently serving:

Fred Aikens                                                         June 2025                                                

Richard Loeppert                                                June 2025

John Reeder                                                        June 2025

Rhonda Bond                                                      June 2024

Ronnie Condrey                                      June 2024

Ruth Merkle                                                        June 2024

Seth Morris                                                          June 2024

Henry Jarrett, Past President                     ex-officiary member

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